The last days of summer are finally here, and as we trade in our bathing suits and ice teas for scarves and pumpkin spice lattes, reality sets in – the holidays will soon be upon us.

As one of the top-ranked ads partners in the retail media industry, we know our customers and sellers are always looking to get ahead of the busiest time of the year and start their campaign planning early. It’s the reason why our team of data experts are working year-round to keep pulse of shopper sentiment and curate insights that will help inform impactful ad campaigns at a time when it’s most critical.

This year marks the third edition of our annual Holiday Guide, and we are happy to share the key insights we’ve uncovered, as well as the best-practice tips that all sellers and brands need to know to win big this holiday season.

In total, we surveyed nearly 1,500 eBay shoppers and an additional 2,000 online shoppers in the U.S. in July and asked the key questions that are top of mind for sellers of all sizes. Will consumers spend less this year? Will they continue to shop online? When will they begin their preparations for the holiday? What will influence them along their purchase journey?

So, let’s dig into this year’s key findings.

A majority of shopping will be done online

Over the last few years, the role of ecommerce has grown exponentially. Even more during the holidays. In fact, an astonishing 92% of eBay shoppers reported that they plan to do most of their shopping online this year.

This increase is particularly impressive when looking back to last year’s survey in which 79% of shoppers said they would do at least some of their holiday shopping in store, and only 55% said they would do all of their holiday shopping online.

Talk about a huge jump in adoption over the course of one year. It is safe to say ecommerce is here to stay.

Image of a pie graph reporting the following information. "92% of eBay shoppers reported that they plan to do most of their shopping online this year."

Shoppers pay attention to ads during the holidays

And, with more online shoppers up for grabs this year, greater visibility brings unmatched advantages to brands and sellers of every size. 

More than half (63%) of online shoppers report they are likely to purchase a sponsored (promoted) item during the holiday season, showing the tremendous value of investing in a tailored ad experience that can serve up the right item, promotion or deal at the optimal time – when shoppers are actually ready to make a purchase.

Additionally, 83% of eBay shoppers said it’s likely they will view an item at the top of their search results and then go on to purchase it.

With inflation high, it makes sense that consumers want their money to stretch a little further. Shoppers are spending more and starting early, but 81% still consider a good deal as their top priority.

Image with only words that says "More than half (63%) of online shoppers report they are likely to purchase a sponsored (promoted) item during the holiday season.

Plans to spend continue despite a slowing economy

Despite 2022’s laundry list of economic obstacles, shoppers are still planning to spend the same or more than they did in 2021.

Overall, more than half of online shoppers (71%) said they plan to spend the same or more than they did in years past. And, the same trend was seen across eBay shoppers, with 68% planning to spend the same or more on their holiday purchases, compared to 2021.

As mentioned above, shoppers will be on the hunt for more deals this season. In particular, Millennial shoppers will be more focused on value than their Gen Z counterparts, with more than half of Gen Z shoppers (55%) planning to spend more on holiday shopping and celebrations than last year, and only 39% of Millennial shoppers intending to do the same. 

Click the download button below to read this year’s full survey report and find tips around how to act on these shopper insights.

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